
Mother's Day Hike

Charlie took a hike in beautiful Forest Park with her humans to celebrate Mother's Day. She collected a lot of nature's bounty in her long, thick coat. She also picked up a few things on her nose every now and then!

Happy Mother's Day!

Charlie Has a Bone to Pick

Nothing Like a Good Hot Shower

Where's the Afikomen?

Another Day, Another Adventure

Charlie got to go on her second adventure with Ezra and Momia. She had a lot of fun, and the best part was swimming! Charlie was very proud of her report card and would like to share it with you. Peed šŸ‘Œ Pooped šŸ‘ Cardio šŸ‘ Played Fetch šŸ‘Œ Went Swimming šŸ˜€ Drank Water šŸ’§ Ate Treats šŸ˜ Played Well with Others šŸ‘

Guest Post: All About Peruvian Hairless Dogs

One of Charlie's new friends ia Momia, who is a Peruvian Hairless dog.  The Peruvian Hairless dog is an ancient breed. Depicted in Pre-Incan art and pottery dating as far back as 750 AD. It is also sometimes called Peruvian Inca Orchid due to the fact that they were found living in caves alongside wild orchids. It is one of the few hairless dog breeds in the world. These dogs are affectionate, intelligent, lively, noble, alert, and protective. Just like furry dogs they also come in many different colors such as black, tan, grey, brown, pink, copper, and even spotted like Dalmatians.  Surprisingly the breed can be hairless or fully coated and they come in 3 sizes (small, medium, and large). Because of their lack of hair they feel warmer to the touch, so people believe they are medicinal and heal several ailments such as asthma and arthritis. These claims are untrue, although they are a good replacement for a hot water bottle or heated blanket! During the winter they mu...

Yoga Dog

This is one amazing dog!

Guest Post: Asha

Asha is part Maltese and part Poodle, making her a Maltipoo. She is six years old, weighs 6 pounds, loves belly rubs, snuggles, and laying on heating pads. If you come to her house, she will pull on your pants. She wants to make sure you know she is there so that you will play with her. Doing this makes her very naughty, luckily she hasnā€™t pulled anyoneā€™s pants down.  She has lots of toys and loves to shake her head while holding the toy in her mouth. Sometimes she accidentally throws her toy in the garbage can. Donā€™t worry; she knows how to ask for help since she isnā€™t big enough to get it on her own. She looks at the trash can and barks until her mom gets the toy for her. She is silly.  Asha's best friend is Bree. Even though the two of them are both Maltipoos, they are very different. Asha is half the size of Bree. Bree loves to play fetch while Asha just wants to get belly rubs. Asha is mostly black and Bree is white. But the differences don't matter. T...

Charlie Works Hard For Her Supper

You may recall an earlier video that features Charlie trying to figure out how the Bobblefeeder (or "Bobblefeeden" as we sometimes ike to call it), works. It didn't take her long to master it, and she has realized that instead of scarfing down her meal in two minutes, she has to take her time and enjoy her kibble a little bit at a time.

Guest Post: Penny

Once she got on the table and ate four pieces of Dutch Baby [pie]. She is always up for a tummy rub.  penny penny for the rub never likes it in the tub. P.S. She ate half an Easter egg. (Clara, Age 7) Here are some photos taken by Clara.

Adventure Dogs

Here in Portland there is a company called Dog Adventures Northwest. Just as you might expect, they take dogs on adventures! Charlie went on her first adventure yesterday. She was put in a group of "littles" (as opposed to big dogs). The other two dogs in her group were Ezra and Momia. All of these pooches have been described by their humans as small dogs who think they are big . Their teacher for the afternoon was Tosten. He drove to Charlie's condo to pick her up. Ezra and Momia were already in his car. It was kind of like the three little dogs were on a school bus, and G-Lo and Zayde waved to them as they drove away. The dogs couldn't wait for their adventure to begin. They looked out the window, and Zayde was sure he saw smiles on all their faces. Tosten took the "littles" to a park. The dogs got to run around without their leashes on. They took turns chasing each other, sniffing each other, and nuzzling each other. There was a stream nearby, ...

Message From Charlie #3

Message From Charlie #2


Charlie does not sit still very often. When she does, it is not for very long. Maybe a few seconds. 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi... something like that. If Charlie is very tired, maybe she'll sit still for 30 seconds. Charlie's human G-Lo is a photographer. She takes pictures every day. Getting a good picture of Charlie is not easy! So many of them are blurred because Charlie, who may have posed nicely at first, usually takes off running just as G-Lo presses the shutter on her camera. This week the weather has been sunny and beautiful in Portland. Charlie has been spending some of her leisure time sitting on the balcony outside the apartment where she lives. She loves to watch the people and traffic go by. G-lo spotted her outside today and grabbed her camera. She thought it might be a good time to get a nice portrait of her squirmy doggie. But, no, Charlie had other ideas! She ran inside the apartment, then she buzzed down the hallway at full speed. Sh...

A Message From Charlie

How Did Those Dogs Get in There Anyway?

So much has changed in the world since Charlie and her humans have had to stay at home because of the Corona Virus. One crazy thing has started happening at Charlie's house...  She has begun WATCHING TV!!! Yes, you read that correctly. And guess what? There's a channel called DOG TV that only airs shows for dogs: dogs running on the beach, dogs being walked in the park by their humans, dogs riding in the car, dogs fetching tennis balls, dogs playing together, anything and everything that dogs do!  Charlie sat on the chair in front of the TV when G-Lo and Zayde first turned on Dog TV. She couldn't take her little eyes off the screen. After a few minutes, she jumped off the chair and sat on the floor, inching her way a little closer to the TV.  After some more time passed, she had become so involved in what was going on and wanted to be part of the action, so she got as close as possible and stood up, reaching her paw toward the TV dogs. She's not a...

Charlie Meets the Bobble Feeder

Charlie got some new toys today. Some of her old ones had been chewed up so badly the inside stuffing was coming out. Her humans brought this home, as well. It took Charlie a little while to figure out what G-Lo calls the "bobble feeder" but now that Charlie knows how it works, maybe her dinner tonight will be fun as well as filling!

Roll Over

After two or three short lessons, Charlie has learned a new trick. She can now roll over when asked. She gets a gold star and an A+ for her home school learning, don't you think?

Charlie Saves the Day... Well, G-Lo's Glasses

For many days now - 16 to be exact - Charlie and her humans have spent most of the time inside their apartment. This is because of a virus that is going around. G-Lo and Zayde want to stay healthy and keep Charlie healthy, too, so they stay at homeā€¦ just like all their friends are doing. Charlie loves this situation! Thatā€™s because sheā€™s with her humans  all day long, every single day . For example, Charlie gets to play many, many games of fetch with her humans now. Sometimes they play two or three games, but sometimes they play as many as ten! (Charlie canā€™t believe how lucky she is.) She and her humans go for longer walks than usual because they want to get big doses of fresh air. Charlie simply gets lots more attention and especially loves getting her hair brushed, having her belly rubbed, and playing tug of war a lot more than usual. Charlie is a very happy puppy these days. Earlier this week, though, Charlie got bored. She had grown tired of playing with he...

Funny Dog Pictures

Charlie likes to look at pictures of other dogs, especially those who are very cute and funny. Here are some of her favorites. She hopes you like them, too!

Two Puppies in the Bed

Do you have a favorite stuffy you like to sleep with? Charlie does! And it's a puppy. This puppy is pretty special. It has a pocket on its belly. In that pocket is a small plastic heart that beats!  It helps make Charlie feel warm, safe, and comfy because it reminds her of sleeping next to her Mama, Charlie has gotten so big now that when she cuddles with her stuffy, the two of them take up the whole bed. Does your dog have a favorite stuffed animal or toy that he or she likes to sleep with?

Give Me A High Five!

Bath Time

Hi. Charlie here. Every now and then, my humans think I need a bath. That's when they scoop me up and put me in the bathtub of all places! They turn on some warm water, and before I know what's hit me, they're pouring it all over my fur  hair. (*** Fun Fact: Havanese dogs have hair, not fur.) Then out comes some shampoo, and suddenly I'm all sudsy and slippery... and SMALL! When my thick hair gets wet and matted down, I can look pretty scrawny! It's really not so bad getting a bath. It feels kind of nice when my humans massage the shampoo into my hair, and the warm water is soothing. After I get all rinsed off, I get wrapped up in a big, soft towel and G-Lo dries me off. I do my best to wiggle out of her arms and run free, because I actually have my own way of getting dry. Want to see? My humans let me use this method of drying for a few minutes. I scoot across the room, dragging my long coat on the carpet. This gets me pretty dry, but no...

Charlie Likes to Play Fetch With Herself

Charlie's most favorite thing to do in the whole wide world is play fetch. Several times a day, she brings a fetch toy to G-Lo or Zayde. She lays the toy at their feet if they are sitting down. If they are standing up or sitting on a high stool, Charlie jumps up with the toy in her mouth. Sometimes, of course, G-Lo and Zayde are busy and can't play fetch at that particular moment. When this happens, Charlie does not get sad. She does not get mad. She just plays fetch with herself!

The Best Place in the House

Charlie is now 5 months old! She weighs almost 8 pounds. You can see that she has grown so much from when she was just a pup.  Now that she is a bit older, she's finally found her favorite place to hang out. She's tried a few different places, but it seems that she has settled on just one now. She likes to sit or lay down on the window ledge, which is behind the couch. Sometimes the shades are closed, so she slips behind the shades and makes herself comfortable. She likes it because from there she can watch what's going on outside. Often G-Lo and Zayde look around the house and can't find Charlie. They look in the bedrooms, they look in the bathrooms, they look in the hallway, they look in the kitchen, and they look in the living room. Zayde will call out to G-Lo: Have you seen Charlie? G-Lo answers: No! I can't find her anywhere! Then they remember... oh, maybe she's in her favorite place . If the shades are closed, it's hard to see her, beca...

We're All Washing Our Hands So Much These Days, But...



Charlie's school is called Wonder Puppy. It is closed for now. So... Time for some homeschooling! Zayde starts school by asking Charlie to SIT. Next he asks her to lay DOWN: She's very good at those easy commands. Did you see Zayde give her a treat when she sat and went she went down? That's how we've taught her to do these things. It's like: Clara, would you please practice piano? Oh, you did already? Good girl. Now you can have some ice cream.  Well, life with humans doesn't really work that way, but it sure would be nice if it did!!! Also, Zayde makes  little clicking sound with a special clicker we got from Charlie's school. When she hears the click she knows she is doing a good job. Anyway, the next command is more difficult, and Charlie just started learning it. It's called PARK IT. Can you figure out what that means? Here are some choices A. Run outside and go play at the park B. Climb in the driver's seat...


Playing fetch is one of Charlie's favorite things to do. One day she thought to herself:  I feel like I'm flying when I get  to run after the ball. I wish I could describe that feeling to my humans! She then wondered:  How could I do that? She remembered seeing G-Lo and Zayde watching a video on G-Lo's phone and saying Wow! This is so cool watching mushrooms push their way up out of the ground in slow motion. Aha! Charlie thought. If I could get my humans to film me in slow motion, maybe then they could see that I am FLYING! The very next day, to Charlie's surprise and delight, G-Lo picked up her phone and said to Zayde:  You know, it might be really cool to film Charlie playing fetch. Zayde agreed. Let's do it! A game a fetch then took place in the hallway. Charlie had so much fun. So did G-Lo and Zayde. Toward the end of the game, G-Lo had an idea:  let's see what this looks like in slow motion! So that is how this video came t...

First Haircut

It became apparent that Charlie could barely see what was in front of her because of her long shaggy hair. It hung waaayyyyyyyy down over her eyes. G-Lo: Charlie, how many fingers am I holding up? (She flashes two fingers in front of Charlie's face.) Charlie: NO RESPONSE G-Lo: Charlie, am I wearing a red or blue sweater? Charlie: NO RESPONSE Zayde: Charlie, can you see  me? Charlie: NO RESPONSE After this brief conversation, G-Lo and Zayde decided it was time. A haircut was in order. So, they all walked over to Pup Panache and asked the groomer, Megan, to help. Out came the scissors and soon... TAA DA! A new look for Charlie, who can see everything very clearly now.

Hey! You Ran Over My Foot!

A few weeks ago, G-lo and Zayde took Charlie to the vet for a regular check up and some shots. Everyone who works there is so nice, and they shower each dog and cat with a lot of love. Charlie likes going there. On this particular day, the vet's assistant came into Charlie's little room to weigh her and make sure she'd been feeling well and acting healthy. The assistant was so nice, and Charlie stayed close to her as she sat down on a stool (which has wheels on it) at the desk station. The assistant didn't realize that Charlie was so close. When she sat down and then moved the stool back a bit, the wheels of the stool ran over Charlie's foot. It must have hurt a lot, because Charlie (who is usually so quiet) let out a very loud YELP!!! Charlie cried and whimpered and then limped over toward G-Lo and Zayde for a few hugs. She then proceeded to hide underneath the chair by the door. She wanted out of there! Zayde picked her up. Charlie was shivering and couldn...

Guest Post: Kobe

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled writing from Charlie to bring you words from her cousin named Kobe. In his own words: Hello everybody! My name is Kobe and I am a fluffball who was born on July 7, 2019 and-- wait, where's bone? Oh, here's bone. Now, where were we? Ah yes, when I celebrated my first half-birthday, I moved in with Pooja and Max in New York City, which some people call "The Big Apple." Apples are fine and all but I love bone! Anyways, it's an awfully big city for such a small pooch like me, but this is really where I thrive because there's so much to do and see. Most importantly, there are many canine friends everywhere I go! Since we're just getting to know each other, I want to tell you the top three most important facts about me: 1. My favorite place in the whole wide world is Central Park, which consists of 843 acres of grass, trees, walking paths, bodies of water, gardens, theatres, and sports fields. It's al...

Only Child

Hello dear readers. Charlie is writing this post today: I live my life as an only child, even though I do have lots of brothers and sisters. This means I get tons of attention from my humans. It also means that when they're busy, I have to find ways to play by myself. One of my favorite games is "fetch." Sometimes I play it alone, which is so much fun! I have a very small tennis ball (just my size) that gives me hours of joy. Well, not hours exactly, a few minutes here and there is probably more like it. Are you wondering what that looks like? Well, wonder no more...

Fun Times With Toilet Paper

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. How many times have you been told to keep the toilet paper in the bathroom?


Charlie, as you may recall, has several brothers and sisters. All of the puppies in the litter went home to different humans, some in different cities and states. There was one sister called Zoey who ended up living in the same city as Charlie: Portland! G-Lo and Zayde called Zoey's humans to set up a play date. It was a gray and rainy afternoon when the two families met at a tennis court at a nearby park. They figured a tennis court would be a safe and fun place for the puppies to run around. Charlie and Zoey took one sniff of each other, and even though they hadn't seen each other for a couple months, they nodded, "smiled," wagged their little tails and then took off chasing each other around and around the tennis court.  They both can run at warp speed!!! The two puppies look quite a bit alike, though Zoey is bigger and has slightly different markings. As you can see in the pictures, they are both chocolate and white. They were so happy to see each other. I...