
Showing posts from March 29, 2020

Charlie Saves the Day... Well, G-Lo's Glasses

For many days now - 16 to be exact - Charlie and her humans have spent most of the time inside their apartment. This is because of a virus that is going around. G-Lo and Zayde want to stay healthy and keep Charlie healthy, too, so they stay at home… just like all their friends are doing. Charlie loves this situation! That’s because she’s with her humans  all day long, every single day . For example, Charlie gets to play many, many games of fetch with her humans now. Sometimes they play two or three games, but sometimes they play as many as ten! (Charlie can’t believe how lucky she is.) She and her humans go for longer walks than usual because they want to get big doses of fresh air. Charlie simply gets lots more attention and especially loves getting her hair brushed, having her belly rubbed, and playing tug of war a lot more than usual. Charlie is a very happy puppy these days. Earlier this week, though, Charlie got bored. She had grown tired of playing with he...