Charlie Meets An Ice Cube

Each morning G-Lo makes a smoothie. Whenever she reaches for the ice cubes, Charlie gets up on her hind legs and seems to say, "May I have one, too, G-Lo?" So one morning this happened...


Sarah said…
Ezra wants to know: What continent do Charlie's brothers and sisters and parents live on? Has she visited them? Also, was Charlie able to eat the ice cube?
Good questions! Charlie's brothers and sisters, as well as her parents, all live on the continent of North America. An interesting fact about the Havanese breed is that it used to the national dog of Cuba! The breed was named after the capital of Cuba, which is called Havana. Cuba is just off the coast of Florida, so it, too, is on the continent of North America.

Charlie did not eat the ice cube. It eventually melted. She seemed happy just to chase it around!
Henry said…
Charlie could go to the world championships in ice hockey.
we'll need to get her some skates!

Unknown Crocodile said…

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